
Mittwoch, 19. September 2012

Dubstep Synth Alternativen

FxPansion Cypher

Nachdem der Hype um Massive sich gelegt hat, erkennt man in den meisten semiprofessionellen Dubstep-Produktionen vermehrt den Klang von Massive - und dort auch nur einige wenige Variationen. Kaum bekannt wird dagegen der Fxpansion Cypher sein, der ebenfalls sehr gut für Dubstep nutzbar ist, denn er enthält eine wichtige Funktion, die bisher kein anderer Soft-Synth so umgesetzt hat. Hier der Auszug aus dem Manual:

4:6 Beat detune

When two detuned oscillators play together, their differing frequencies cause an audible ‘beating’ effect against one another. The rhythmic rate of this beating varies depending on the notes played, since beating is directly affected by the frequencies of the notes themselves - different notes generate different frequencies. While it is common to use such sounds in a rhythmic way, any performance is always influenced by each note creating a different beating rate. Each of Cypher’s oscillators includes a useful feature for providing this detuned beating effect with the same rate across the whole keyboard range, resulting in new ways of performing throbbing dubstep basses and rhythmic pads and chords.

Using the Beat control

The Beat control sets the frequency rate of the beating effect in Hz. To understand how this control works, follow this simple example:

With the Sync button enabled, the Beat control is set in BPM-based values synced to the host tempo, allowing tempo-synced beating effects. A dedicated beat rate control is very rarely found on hardware analogue synths, with a notable exception being the Moog Taurus bass synthesizer.

Beat rates as TransMod modulators

The beating rates of the various oscillator combinations are available as TransMod control-rate sources. This means you can modulate other parameters at the beat rate, allowing for unprecedented rhythmic modulation effects synced to osc beating. These sources are discussed at the end of section 7:8.

Usage with other oscillator functions

The Beat feature offers interesting possibilities with other oscillator functions, as it provides a rhythmic frequency detuning effect. Try using it alongside FM, WM, ring mod and sync functions.

FAW Circle

Ein anderes gutes Synth ist Circle - hier hat man ähnliche Routing-Möglichkeiten per Drag & Drop wie in Massive, zudem sind hier ebenfalls komplexe Frequenzmodulationen (FM) möglich. Future Audio Workshop

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